Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Introduction To Julia

“Every day brings a chance for you to draw in a breath, kick off your shoes, and dance.”

― Oprah Winfrey

I have been dancing since the age of four. Dance for me has grown from a once a week after school activity, to my entire life. Dance has become my number one major time commitment, financial burden, love, joy and passion. I danced at Cherie’s Dance Studio my whole career until I recently switched to a new studio. This year I dance at Extensions Dance Academy, a local breakout studio in Cedar Rapids. At Extensions I dance three nights a week for nearly six and a half hours and I also dance for the Kennedy Varsity Dance Team roughly seven and a half hours each week. With that, I currently dance give or take fourteen hours out of a five day week, with the addition of solo practice, weekend rehearsals and performances.

I have gained an immense amount of knowledge about myself as a person and dancer, and the art of dance over the past few years. As a dancer I have come to know several things some people never have the opportunity to do, know or appreciate. I will dedicate many of those opportunities into my dance tips and tricks, observations, comparisons, ideas, opinions, styles and experiences for topics on my blog.

Dance plays a significant importance in my life and I am extremely passionate about sharing it. The excitement I get from talking about, acting out and carrying out dance is a feeling that makes me completely overfilled with joy. I can’t describe how I feel, so I just dance it out of me. I hope everyone can take a chance in their life to find their passion and fall head over heels with it, as greatly as I have with dancing.

I couldn’t imagine my life without dance, because I simply haven’t known a life without dance. Dance has taught me many important lessons, given me confidence to be myself, and showed me the art of using your body, face, lines and emotions to portray a story to an audience. Very importantly the ability to dance has helped me create the best friends I could ever ask for.

I am eager to spread the love I have for dance through topics in this blog. It’s very exciting because I feel that as I complete more blogs I will become more aware of all the little things dance offers and has given to me. I hope to learn more about myself as a dancer through this process, while also giving insight into the thrilling, exhausting, hectic, sentimental and emotion rollercoaster that comes along with being a high school dancer.

~ Julia Brewer

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