Thursday, January 21, 2016

Time Management

“Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you.”

– Oprah Winfrey

Being a full time student, dancing on a high school dance team, and being a member of an elite competition team while in high school, requires a significant amount of time and dedication. Dancers, and athletes in general need to prioritize their time, to keep up with their grades and to progress in their athletics.

Many athletes not only challenge themselves in sports, but also in school. Personally, I am taking two advance placement courses, a foreign language, and two senior level courses as a junior. I have to make a lot of time to complete all of my school work with proficiency, among the several hours of dance I rehearse each week, and the eight hour school day, not to mention trying to balance a regulated sleeping schedule, and social life.

As a competitive member of my dance studio I dance nearly seven hours a week in the studio, excluding my own private practicing. I also practice up to twelve hours a week for dance team, if it is the week before a competition. With the addition of being a full time high school student for forty five hours a week. That does not leave much room in a five day week to complete such a tough course load, contain a normal sleeping schedule, participate in other activities, eating, driving,  socializing or relaxing. The life of a dancers is very go, go, go.

In order to manage time, an athlete must first prioritize their schedule, to find their best routine. From an academic standpoint, a suggestion could be if you have a study hall, free period, or time during SMART LUNCH, use it! That gives you at least another hour of sleep at night that you don't have to spend staying up trying to finish all of your homework. Another suggestion, for younger athletes is to do homework in the car while your parents drive you to your practices. What I like to do, to relive stress from homework, is doing it during my half hour dinner break. I can usually get a good majority done during that time, and it's very helpful, although I know a lot of sports don't get such breaks.

It's also important to manage your sleep schedule. Sleep is an important function for high schooners, we don't get enough of it, and need more hours in the day to do everything in our routine. Just remember sometimes it's more important to rest up for a big test, than staying up until one in the morning trying to cram it all into your brain. Sleep is so important for your body, and as an athlete you need to treat your body to the relaxation, and get more of it.

Weekends are a great time to do school work and obtain your social life. Go out be active and have fun after a stressful week of school and athletics. Practices, tournaments, competitions to pop up on several weekends, so socialize with the people around you there. Get more sleep. Keep up with your school work, so you can participate in school events, clubs and sports. Also, keep in mind that relaxation is a great way to relive stress, take a bubble bath, color a picture, watch some TV, bake a cake, stretch out your body, read a book or get a massage. You are young, go out and participate in sports, but also manage your time efficiently, so you are not overwhelmed with the stress of a high school life.

~Julia Brewer

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