Sunday, March 20, 2016

Body Prep on Competition Day

“Dance is a life, every day. Don't miss it. You're in bodies, you can move... Where is your joy?”

-Mary Anthony

Competition season is here. With that comes long weekends from morning tonight. Sometimes dances are rushed back to back, and others are hours apart stretching across three days. Competitions are crowded, cold, stressful and hectic. Sometimes it can be difficult to stay focused on yourself and your body throughout the whole day or weekend. It becomes a necessity, yet a struggle to stay stretched, energized and prepared. There is a part of you that wants to see every dance being performed on stage, another that wants to hang with your dance friends and enjoy team bonding and another that is on a go go go mission to be stretched and ready to dance at any second, even though you are probably dancing around aimlessly throughout the whole weekend at the convention center. Preparation of the body is important and can be reached in a variety of ways.

To be prepared on competition day you want to be ready and warmed up. At the beginning of a long competition day treat your body kindly. Don’t be snacking on unnecessary junk. Stay hydrated and just drink water. You will also need fuel to keep you going throughout the day. I suggest natural sugars found in fruits like apples, berries, oranges and bananas. Throughout the day snacking is okay, but you want to be sure that you don’t go nuts and keep it healthy with a lot of hydrates. There is no reason to feel bloated or tired on a day that is a constant go. It will help if you let your food be a source of energy.

Another way to get your body ready to go for a long day of competing is to do a warm up and cool down. It really helps in getting you energized and warmed up for all the dances you have, also do it before any stretching because it will help loosen your muscles and spark blood flow for a deeper stretch in the future. Start by doing some low impact exercises that will boost your pulse for around ten minutes like; jumping jacks, squats, heel raises, leg swings, swimmers. Once you begin to sweat you should begin to slow it down and begin to cool down, taking deep breaths while also completing deep body movement to keep your blood pumping.

After the light cool down you should begin to stretch. Keep the stretching light. Overstretching can believe it or not hinder your flexibility, you bod is not used to that deep of a stretch and that makes the muscles the go tighter than usual. Instead hold stretched in a normal rotation for less than thirty second intervals. Focus on body strength on the competition day. To achieve the body strength you should concentrate your stretching on dynamic stretching such as yoga and walking lunges. After that give your attention to plies, abs and feet exercises. Results should show in your leg and core strength and flexibility for sure.

After all of your performances you should leave time to continue stretching out your muscles, this is when you should stretch for longer intervals within your stretch rotation, helping flexibility and prepare for the next day of dancing, with that you should also stretch statically the night before your first day of competition. It will help in the overall of your dancing and will prevent injury from all the work you put on your body from an exhausting day of dance completion.

~Julia Brewer

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