Sunday, April 24, 2016


“I have been dancing for the past fourteen years of my life. My parents made the decision to enroll me in classes when I reached the age of four years old. From then on it was my decision to keep coming back. I made that decision based upon the love I had gained for what I was being learned and the heart warming, over joy feeling I received from any ounce of dance I could perform, see, hear, even taste and smell. I am hungry to dance, it is my overwhelming desire to improve both my dancing and myself as a person. The lessons I have learned from dance are those I have and will continue to take in my life, and share with others. I have realized so much about myself, and have an outspoken personality, strong will, high confidence, eager mind and creativity development. I don’t dance for selfish reasons. I dance to dance. When I am dancing I feel the utter most love and accomplishment. Dance inspires me and gives me motivation to reach my goals. I could go on and on as it is my favorite topic, but I some ways there are just no words, just silence and appreciation for both the art and sport I have grown up with. I am not the best on my team, in my class, in the state or the world, but to me that does not matter, because I am the best me, which I know is from my life as a dancer. To thank I have Cherie’s Dance Studio and Extensions Dance Academy. The day I have to say goodbye to dance, is a day I never want to face. I love dance, dance will always be a part of me, the best part of me, my burning passion and desire I love to showcase.”

~Julia Brewer

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